Soc Recerca

«Soc Recerca» is an online portal where people can sign up as volunteers to participate in clinical studies that aim to advance medical research and improve global health.

On our platform, we connect those who wish to help with scientific research with studies testing new treatments and therapies. Volunteers can benefit individually and be part of medical progress.

Clinical Studies

Currently, no ongoing trials require participant recruitment.

Would you like to volunteer for future clinical studies?

In depth

  • What is a clinical study?

    A clinical study is a research study where volunteers participate to test potential new treatments to determine their safety and effectiveness.

  • Who can participate?

    To be part of a clinical study, you must meet certain requirements that vary depending on the specific study. They can include aspects such as your medical diagnosis, age, current health status, medical history, and treatments you have received in the past.

Why participate in a clinical study?

Participation in clinical studies is essential for the progress of medicine by contributing to the development of more effective and safer treatments.

  • Allows testing and validating the effectiveness and safety of new treatments, medications, vaccines, and procedures.
  • Improves existing treatments by comparing new approaches with current standards of care.
  • Offers the opportunity to test innovative therapies that could represent significant advances in the treatment of diseases.
  • Participants can be the first to benefit from new treatments before they are available to the public.
  • Contributes to global medical knowledge and helps healthcare professionals make evidence-based decisions.
  • For diseases with no known cure, participation in clinical studies can offer hope and possibly effective treatment options.

Do you want to participate?